Alchemy Crystal & Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing is a holistic full body experience that acts as a bridge to higher realms of consciousness as a means to shift, expand, and heal the mind, body, and soul. Using specific sound frequencies is a gentle and easy way to alter mood, brain waves, and re-establish healthy cell performance within the body. We are naturally senders and receivers of energy and information. Over the ages, society has fallen away from this innate ancient healing wisdom. As we awaken and expand in consciousness, we become open and susceptible to this subtle, yet profound healing modality.
Energy Healing
Our body is made up of 7 major energy centers known as Chakras and an all-encompassing energy field, called the Aura. Each Chakra attends to specific endocrine glands, organs, physiological, mental, and emotional aspects of the body. They resonate with the notes C D E F G A B. When these energy centers are healthy and clear, we feel happy, energetic, and in the flow. The sounds and vibrations of the Alchemy Crystal Bowls assist the energy body to clear blocked or dense energies.​
Physical Healing
Chakras become blocked from environmental toxins, fear, anxiety, stress, emotional upsets, or accident. This can cause a harmonic imbalance, resulting in a drop of cellular vibration or frequency. If left untreated, this imbalance will manifest as a physical ailment, pain, disease, lethargy, or depression. The sounds and vibrations of the bowls entrain lower vibrating cells in the body back to their fundamental frequencies.
Mental Healing
The mind is one of our most powerful tools. This means it has the capacity to make or break us. We have the power to control our mind so that it’s working for us and not against us by altering the brainwave patterns. Sound frequency can have profound effects on brain function by accessing higher states of consciousness. As the bowls guide the brainwaves into deeper, slower patters of Alpha and Theta brainwaves, slowing the breath and heart rate, we become highly susceptible to healing. In this state, we have more control over releasing low vibrational thought patterns, past trauma, and events.
Spiritual Healing
In a sound healing session with the bowls, some are able achieve deep meditative states, accessing higher realms and of consciousness or dimensions. Thus, enabling one to access and download knowledge, wisdom, ideas, inspiration, open 3rd eye, and awaken to spirit. The alchemy crystals bowls have the ability to induce specific brainwave states for transcending consciousness and spiritual growth. In a session, activity in our parietal lobes can drop to almost nothing. The parietal lobe is responsible for sensory awareness and orients us in the world. This drop in activity explains that sense of oneness we feel with the universe in such altered states of consciousness.
Emotional Healing
Stuck emotions and negative self talk or beliefs can manifest as pain or disease in the physical body. Sound healing helps to calm the nervous system and access subconscious negative beliefs that generally stop us from manifesting what we want in the world. Beliefs are powerful frequencies in our subconscious that can be hidden from our view. Based on the law of resonance, we attract into our world whatever the frequency of the belief. We can transform low vibratory emotions such as pessimism, frustration, irritation, impatience, overwhelm, disappointment, doubt, worry, blame, discouragement, anger, revenge, hatred, rage, jealousy, insecurity, guilt, unworthiness, fear, grief, depression, despair, and powerlessness. Altering brain wave frequency through sound can result in a release of chemicals like serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin which can quickly shift and clarify ones perspective on life’s upheavals. In turn, lifting spirits, lethargy, depression, and attracting higher emotions that support and nurture health and the nervous system.
Solfeggio Frequencies
These frequencies make up the 6-tone scale. C D E F G A B. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency that balances and harmonizes the energy body. The crystalline bowls with their specific notes, tones, and earth elements, naturally entrain and attune the whole body back to its fundamental resonant state.
Harmonic Resonance
This happens when one object vibrating at the same natural frequency of a second object forces that second object into vibration motion. Some example of resonance are when crystal sings in response to a loud sound, a musical instrument plays in response to a specific note or sound from another instrument, clock pendulums in a shop swing together after a period of time, people’s heartbeats synchronize in an auditorium, women living in close quarters have similar monthly cycles, or mood changes when you're around different people. Frequencies affect everyone and everything. By introducing a needed frequency into an individual's energy field, it reminds the field of its original blueprint so it can be brought back into harmony with it. These frequencies can be reestablished with the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. Sometimes, one treatment will resolve the imbalance, but often it needs to be repeated several times until the field can hold the resonance.
Benefits Of Sound Therapy
Increases creativity and motivation
Regulates hormone function
Balances and grounds the whole body
Cellular entrainment
Clears and cleanses negative energy
Connects with your higher self
Helps to cope with life's challenges
Strengthens immune system
Balances both hemispheres of the brain
Removes toxins and blockages
Stimulates blood circulation
Stimulates endocrine glands
Harmonizes feelings and emotions
Relieves stress and depression
Accesses to higher states of consciousness
Promotes health and overall wellbeing
While these are just a few benefits of sound healing, the list is truly infinite. As we are all unique in genetic makeup, your experience with the bowls will be unique to you.
The Alchemy Crystal Bowls
Our one of a kind therapeutic grade Alchemy Crystal Bowls are made of 99.99% pure quartz crystal and blended with the finest gemstones and precious metals. By adding these elements to the quartz crystal, you are receiving the benefits and healing properties unique to its size, color, shape, composition, and frequency. The angelic sounds and vibrations affect us deeply at the subatomic cellular level and go far beyond our energy bodies, harmonizing and balancing our whole being into wellness.
60 mins
Acutonics combines the principles of oriental medicine, energy medicine, physics, and sound healing using the vibrations and sound of precision-calibrated tuning forks tuned to the frequencies of the earth, moon, sun, and planets. The forks are applied to acupuncture points, chakras, and points of pain to move, balance, and restore the energy body back to wellness. Acutonics is a soothing, and relaxing way to treat pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, trauma, and many other issues.
60 mins